If you pay in advance by bank transfer, you will receive a cash discount of 1%. To ensure that your transfer is allocated as quickly as possible, please state your order number. The processing of your order will only begin after receipt of payment.
Pay conveniently with your PayPal account including Paypal's free buyer protection program. After submitting the order, you will be redirected to PayPal. As soon as you have confirmed the payment, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail.
If you have a credit or debit card in your Amazon account, you can pay via Amazon Pay. After you have entered all the data in the shopping basket, you will be redirected to Amazon after clicking on Buy.
You can conveniently pay for your order with your Visa or Mastercard. The processing of your order will start immediately after successful payment.
Every purchase on the website is protected by the so-called SSL procedure. When transferring your credit card data, authentication with the 3D-Secure procedure is also necessary. This guarantees a particularly secure payment. If your credit card has not yet been activated for the 3D-Secure procedure, please contact your bank for further information.
Account name: Pickawood GmbH
IBAN: GB31 MOLU 0099 2847 7912 99
Bank name: 3S Money Club
Bank Institution Address: 45 Folgate St, London, E1 6GL
Bank country: United Kingdom
Currency: GBP
If you have not received an order confirmation, there was probably an error during payment. This can happen, for example, after a failed authentication. A colleague from the furniture advice service will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
You can enter the value voucher in the first step of the shopping basket in the "Add voucher" field. The value is automatically deducted from the purchase price.